Singing Guide: Sound of the New Breed

Singing Guide: Sound of the New Breed

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sound of the New Breed: How to Master Singing Like Them

Sound of the New Breed is a renowned gospel music group formed by Gospel musician Israel Houghton. They are known for their contemporary sound, full of soulful harmonies and inspiring messages. To master singing like the Sound of the New Breed, you need to get familiar with contemporary gospel music, pop music, and jazz.

The great thing about the Sound of the New Breed is that they have a unique fusion sound of Gospel, R&B, Funk, and contemporary Christian music. To develop your skills in singing music that is similar, here are some helpful resources that Singing Carrots offers:

Vocal Range and Pitch Accuracy

To get started, take the Vocal Range Test and the Pitch Accuracy Test to learn more about your vocal range and accuracy. These are helpful tools to help you determine the range of music you can comfortably sing.

Vocal Training Resources

Next, check out the Pitch Training resource offered by Singing Carrots. This is an excellent interactive tool to help with your vocal warm-ups, pitch analysis, and range and agility exercises.

Performance Set Creation

To learn music and develop your singing skills like the Sound of the New Breed, you need to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. The Song Search tool at Singing Carrots is the perfect place to do this. You can easily create your performance set, get linked lyrics, and find helpful resources like sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

Singing Course

Another helpful tool offered by Singing Carrots is the 21-lesson Singing Course, covering singing theory and practical tips. This comprehensive course is great for learning the fundamentals of singing and can help you develop your singing as well.

Sound of the New Breed Techniques

To develop the unique Sound of the New Breed style, you should also check out some of the related exercises available at the Singing Carrots website. Some of the videos that can help you learn specific techniques for singing like Sound of the New Breed include:

Practical Advice

Finally, putting the technical knowledge you have learned into practice is key to developing your own unique sound. Here are a few additional practical tips that can help you learn singing like Sound of the New Breed:

  • Analyze your voice: Get to know your voice so that you can use it effectively and avoid any limitations. Check out Singing Carrots' article, "How to Analyze Your Voice" to learn more about this concept.
  • Breathing: Strong breathing skills are essential when singing, so make sure to review Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics and breath support.
  • Posture: It's important to have good singing posture to enable maximum airflow during singing. Check out Singing Carrots' article, "How posture affects your singing."
  • Articulation: Another critical aspect of great singing is clear articulation. The Singing Carrots article on this topic offers great advice on how to improve your articulation skills.
  • Stage Performance: Lastly, getting over "stage fright" is essential for anyone who wants to perform live. Check out Singing Carrots' article on "How to overcome stage fright," as well as the video on "Stage Tips" to learn more about this important topic.

By following these resources and tips, you can quickly learn how to sing like Sound of the New Breed. Remember, practice and persistence is the key to becoming a great singer!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.